Blue Mound Cemetery
Blue Mound Cemetery is located within the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge. Please contact the Clerk for more information.
- Bill Andreson, Cemetery Sexton
Blue Mound Cemetery is located within the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge. Please contact the Clerk for more information.
Blue Hill Township does have a Dog Ordinance. Dogs and cats do not need a license in Blue Hill Township. If you have more than 3 dogs, you may need a Kennel Permit, which is issued by Sherburne County.
If you see a stray dog, contact the Sherburne County Sheriff's Department at 763-765-3500.
Building permits, variances, easements and IUP/CUP requests begin with Sherburne County Planning & Zoning. Please contact that office with any questions or requests. For more information regarding Driveway Permits, please contact the Blue Hill Clerk.
Gopher bounty is currently $2.00 per pair of front feet for Blue Hill Township. To claim, contact the Clerk for the appropriate paperwork and regulations.
The Township needs to maintain W-9 paperwork for individuals submitting gopher feet for bounty payments. Claims will not be paid until all appropriate paperwork has been submitted.